Why people love vampires
Because it's distressing to wake up
Every morning knowing that there are
A thousand things that could kill you
And that one day one of them
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Bottle blue tide pool
Smoothed by wind and glazed with salt
Shows the moon her face
Two drowsy tadpoles
Speckled like sun through the reeds
Dream of bright green legs
Smoothed by wind and glazed with salt
Shows the moon her face
Two drowsy tadpoles
Speckled like sun through the reeds
Dream of bright green legs
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Lozenge of Love! Medallion of Art!
No, that kind of proclamation requires
A dizzy quantity of nausea-inducing emotion.
Yet one can understand why they hurl
Themselves forward without any attempt
At tempering their own bravado.
Everyone at 17 is a rock star, a sylph,
Desirable to vampires, flawless and
New. It’s not because of the Internet or
Cell phones, but you can’t speak their
Language anymore. A vernacular that
Assured can only be unlearned with age.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Heads toward the wall,
Feet toward the street,
With a barrier of boxes
Full of badly painted clay
Mushrooms and model
Churches and pumpkins
With twisted vines. Now
We are ready to sleep.
Exhausted from a day
Of standing at traffic
Lights, we are not woken
By curious couples coming
Home from dinner, or
Garbage men shouting or
The last buses shouldering
Each other out of the way.
If we were, maybe we would
Find it odd that we command
More attention asleep than
Awake. That as shapeless,
Shadowless silhouettes
We are seen more clearly
Than when unmistakably
Highlighted by the blazing sun.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Luna menguante
luna menguante:
proa de crucero,
uña de gigante,
viruta de lapicero,
oreja de genio,
raja de melón,
alfanje damasquino,
pinza de escorpión.
No rhyming in the English version, sorry:(
Crescent Moon
crescent moon:
ship's prow,
giant's thumbnail,
pencil shaving,
genie's ear,
canteloupe slice,
Turkish scimitar
scorpion's claw.
luna menguante:
proa de crucero,
uña de gigante,
viruta de lapicero,
oreja de genio,
raja de melón,
alfanje damasquino,
pinza de escorpión.
No rhyming in the English version, sorry:(
Crescent Moon
crescent moon:
ship's prow,
giant's thumbnail,
pencil shaving,
genie's ear,
canteloupe slice,
Turkish scimitar
scorpion's claw.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
El paisaje al
Lado de la
Se parece
A otro. No
Sé si es
Nostalgia o
Añoro pero
Los cactus se
Convierten en
Pinos, el olor
A tierra seca
Se vuelve el
De las madreselvas
Después de
Una lluvia de
Verano. Los años
Se quitan como
El caucho de
Una llanta y hay
Que preguntarse
¿Cuántas facetas
Tiene la vida
De alguien?
The scenery on
Either side of
This highway
Resembles that of
Another. I don't
Know if it's
Homesickness or
Nostalgia but the
Cacti turn into
Pines, the smell of
Dry earth becomes
That of honeysuckles
After a summer rain,
The years are
Stripped away like
The tread from
A tire and it
Begs the question:
How many facets
Does a single
Life have?
El paisaje al
Lado de la
Se parece
A otro. No
Sé si es
Nostalgia o
Añoro pero
Los cactus se
Convierten en
Pinos, el olor
A tierra seca
Se vuelve el
De las madreselvas
Después de
Una lluvia de
Verano. Los años
Se quitan como
El caucho de
Una llanta y hay
Que preguntarse
¿Cuántas facetas
Tiene la vida
De alguien?
The scenery on
Either side of
This highway
Resembles that of
Another. I don't
Know if it's
Homesickness or
Nostalgia but the
Cacti turn into
Pines, the smell of
Dry earth becomes
That of honeysuckles
After a summer rain,
The years are
Stripped away like
The tread from
A tire and it
Begs the question:
How many facets
Does a single
Life have?
Friday, April 6, 2012
Martita sueña
Que su esposo
Entra y le dice:
¡Mi amor, en la vida
Habia visto un piso
Tan limpio como
Éste! Flor de
La mañana, angelita,
Chiquistriquis de mi
Corazón, ven, ¡VEN
A mí, para desvestirte
Aquí sobre este piso
Tan impecable!
El esposo de Martita sueña
Que Jordan juega otra vez
Con los Bulls.
Martha dreams
That her husband
Walks in and says:
My love, never in my life
Have I seen a floor
As clean as
This one! Morning
Glory, Angel Face,
Hunny Wunny
Cakes, come, COME
To me that I might
Disrobe you here on
This immaculate floor!
Martha’s husband dreams
That Jordan plays for
The Bulls again.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
El general (villanelle)
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
El general ofrece sólo un consejo:
Ten tu pistola siempre presente.
De niño, su mama siempre estuvo ausente.
No rozó su mejilla ni con un sólo beso.
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
De joven, se convirtió en creyente.
Por él sólo una ley, una ley de hierro existió:
Ten tu pistola siempre presente.
De adulto, quería salir con vida, simplemente.
Supo que sólo en la tierra existe el infierno.
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
De viejo, mantenía ágil la mente.
Afilada la lengua, agudo el oído.
Y tenía su pistola siempre presente.
Sentado en su butaca, le decía a la gente,
El amor a mí nunca falta me hizo.
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
Ten tu pistola siempre presente.
The translation is a teense odd, but I was trying to translate and maintain the rhyme scheme, bleh!
The General (villanelle)
The heart can’t feel what the eyes don’t see.
The general offers only one piece of advice:
A Beretta 92 is all a man needs.
As a child, his mother paid him no heed,
Or filled his bedtime stories with intrigue and lies.
The heart can’t feel what the eyes don’t see.
As an adolescent, he developed his creed.
Winning is paramount, no matter the price.
A Beretta 92 is all a man needs.
As a man, he learned from foul deeds
That Earth is the only place one feels Hell’s fires.
The heart can’t feel what the eyes don’t see.
As an old man, he felt quite at ease,
With the power he’d bought with men’s lives.
A Beretta 92 is all a man needs..
Sitting back in his chair, he'd say to the breeze
Love? That’s not what keeps a man alive.
The heart can’t feel what the eyes don’t see.
A Beretta 92 is all a man needs.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Las niñas juegan un ratito en unos juegos
Con extraños palmares azules encima,
Con extraños palmares azules encima,
Y piedritas afiladas abajo,
Hasta que empiezan a cantar,
¡Tenemos que ir al baño!
No van hacía la casa, sino hacía el río;
Juran que saben donde se puede.
Los árboles que bordan el río
Están rodeados por girasoles
Marchitados por el sol, que emiten
Un olor embriagador de junípero.
El refri y las botellas de cerveza
Provocan remolinos hipnotizantes que
Llenan la tarde con un murmullo somnoliento.
Llenan la tarde con un murmullo somnoliento.
Las niñas suben el banco agarradas
Por la mano y, de repente, las veo con
Otros ojos. Ojos que ven como los árboles
Y las flores ocultan todo de la vista y
Como el agua es lo único que se escucha,
Como las niñas también pueden ser marchitadas
Por algo seco, inhumano e incompasivo.
Bicentennial Park
The girls play for a bit on a jungle gym
With inexplicably blue palm trees on top
And sharp little stones below,
Until they start to sing,
We need to go to the bathroom!
Instead of home, they make for the river;
They swear they know a place.
The trees that border the river
Are surrounded by sunflowers,
Desiccated by the sun, which emit
The heady smell of juniper.
An old fridge and beer bottles
Provoke hypnotizing eddies, which
Fill the afternoon with a drowsy buzz.
The girls come up the bank hand in
Hand and suddenly I see them with
Different eyes. Eyes that see how the
Trees and flowers screen everything,
How the only thing you hear is the water,
How girls can also be withered by
Something dry, inhuman and unfeeling.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Enmarcada por ramos extendidos,
Enmarcada por ramos extendidos,
La luna se apodera de la noche.
Las estrellas huyen sin mirar por atrás,
Mientras el cuerpo celestial egomaníaco
Se estira, se acomoda, inhala y
Sopla con todo lo que tiene.
Los lobos y los poetas se enloquecen,
La marea se tensa y se afloja,
Ciclando con el aliento frenético de la luna,
Quien, inconstante, se cansa de un juego
Que nunca gana y se achica, esperando a
Las estrellas, que le cantan hasta al amanecer.
Framed by outstretched branches,
The moon seizes the night.
The stars flee without a look back,
As the egomaniacal celestial body
Stretches, gathers itself, inhales and
Blows out its cheeks.
Wolves and poets alike go mad,
The tide becomes taut and then slackens,
Cycling with the frenetic breathing of the moon,
Who, inconstant, becomes tired of a game
It never wins, and shrinks, awaiting the return of
The stars, who sing to it until dawn.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sueño Borroso
Las paredes del color de una mora azul,
Fuzzy Dream
The blueberry-colored walls,
Fuzzy and coiled as a cochlea,
Absorb all sound and light and leave
A sensation like a blown speaker.
One passes through them in slowmo,
Spinning with a mild buzzing sound,
And the sensation that one is
Swimming in a river of thick jam.
Such a night of weightlessness leaves
The muscles of the arms and legs
As slack as an overcooked noodle,
A sensation which continues upon waking.
Las paredes del color de una mora azul,
Peludas y onduladas cómo una cóclea,
Absorben todo sonido y luz y dejan
Una sensación de bocina volada.
Por ellas se pasa en cámara lenta,
Dando vueltas con un zumbido ligero
Y la sensación de que uno está
Nadando en un río de mermelada espesa.
Tal víspera de ingravidez deja los
Músculos de los brazos y las piernas
Tan flojos como un fideo recocido,
Sensación que se mantiene al despertar.
Fuzzy Dream
The blueberry-colored walls,
Fuzzy and coiled as a cochlea,
Absorb all sound and light and leave
A sensation like a blown speaker.
One passes through them in slowmo,
Spinning with a mild buzzing sound,
And the sensation that one is
Swimming in a river of thick jam.
Such a night of weightlessness leaves
The muscles of the arms and legs
As slack as an overcooked noodle,
A sensation which continues upon waking.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
I don’t have to compete with any of you
I don’t have to compete with any of you
Because I have removed myself.
Your brands, trends, Land's Ends,
Cannot hope to trump my duds, woven by
Cannot hope to trump my duds, woven by
Indigenous women who gossip in a language
In which colors are verbs.
As you eat your Greek yogurt and drink your
Shade-grown Guatemalan coffee bought at Starbucks,
I sip coffee that has been pooped out
By a civet, and eat quesadillas made with cheese
Prepared by Benedictine nuns who wake up
At 4 to milk Trinity, the three-legged cow,
Before the Office of Vigils.
In your Hybrid you listen to Buena Vista Social Club
And pride yourself on how international
and naughty you are (they're Cuban!),
But I take a bus with no glass in the windows to work,
Accompanied by chickens and stoic children
And a live trio of drunk octogenarians who croon
"Hemingway delira" while miraculously maintaining
Their balance as the bus dodges potholes, dogs and fallen palm fronds.
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