Sunday, April 10, 2011

Treasure Island

"Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight"
Are the only things that can bleach away
This black spot, and keep the deadlights
Off your eyes, ye blasted hornswaggler.
Ay, a hempen halter and chains'll be the
Only things ye'll wear for your wedding
Day with the Lady Catrina. Down a narrow
Wooden aisle ye'll jig at six bells with that
Lass on your arm to stand quakin' before
Jack Ketch. For a wedding feast a taste of the
Cat ye'll have,  and a keelhaul for a honeymoon.
Ay, scour the horizon for reales, doubloons,
Escudos, doits, moidores, and sequins.
For only these and George slaying the dragon
Can save your headpiece now.
